Kwaj II the Second Tour

Here was our ride!  Continental Air Micronesia routinely went from Honolulu to Kwaj to Ponape to Truk to Saipan to Guam… yada, yada, yada.

I’ll bet this was the same plane that carried Lynn and I to Ponape 8 years earlier.

This is the limousine sent to the airport to pick us up.

Luckily they had a chainsaw in the truck to take care of downed trees.

This is the outside of our roof.

And this is the inside.  Obviously a secure environment during a typhoon.

We stayed at a hotel called “The Village” which was a series of grass huts.  Pretty much open-air with water beds (conventional mattresses would mold away).

Since this was our second tour of Kwaj, we knew what was important to do.

A trip to Ponape… Lynn and I had taken a long weekend trip there in 1973 without the kids and figured it was a must for the kids to see now that they were older.

 The landing was a bit rough.  Seems that Ponape was experiencing a typhoon!