Vielkanowitz family history
Vielkanowitz family history

Here are three photos of Muriel on graduation day; June 23, 1936.  A big deal, she was 14 years old and graduating from the 8th grade.  Back then, that was the amount of schooling required by law.  She was done with school.

Congratulations, here’s some flowers, now get a job!

Below are the earliest photos of Muriel that are in this collection.  (Mouse over the the photo to see the description.)

The description on the back of the photo.  You figure it out.

Muriel.  Get used to the background in these photos.  Many were taken either in front of or in the backyard of the apartment on 87th Street.

This one says, “Muriel, June 13, 1937.

Going through old family photos is interesting.  Looking at events from decades ago is awe inspiring.  But what’s even more interesting is when you can link photos which were seemingly random.  Suddenly, a handful of photos show what and who and when and where things happened.

This is the earliest picture we have of Katherine, Muriel’s mother.